Type UV-69 was developed to eliminate mixing catalysts with the cement. Cure is achieved using an ordinary G.E. ultraviolet sun lamp or equivalent. Heat itself will not cause cure. It is recommended that lenses cemented with type UV-69 be irradiated on a sheet of white paper to expedite cure.

Lens Bond Type UV-69,
bottle w/catalyst
Thinner (Monomeric styrene)
Plasticizer Modifications

Approximate Curing Times

Pre-Cure Full-Cure
*Using a GE Ultraviolet Sun lamp at 12" from Element
20 minutes 90 minutes
*Using Long Wave Radiation (365nm) at 1" from Element
10 minutes 1 hour
For more information on our ultraviolet curing lamps please see our cementing department supply section of our web site.

Instructions For Use

Application and Curing of Type UV-69 Place the prepared LENS BOND on the concave surface, and place the convex surface thereon. Press down firmly and gently until LENS BOND completely wets the matching surfaces. Then, with a slow rotary motion and light pressure, force air bubbles from between the lenses. Excess Cement can be removed with a cloth slightly moistened with alcohol or acetone. (Excess solvent will remove cement from between the cemented components.) Place the cemented doublets 12" beneath the sun lamp and irradiate them for 20 minutes. After pre-cure, holding devices can be removed and cleaned.

Irradiate for an additional 90 minutes for full-cure.

Before environmental testing, however, the lenses must be fully cured.

Full-cure time is in addition to the pre-cure time. If there is no reason to remove holding devices after pre-cure, components should be cured for the total time (pre-cure plus full-cure). Depending on the components and conditions, if there is any doubt about cure being achieved, allow components to cure for a longer period of time. The Cement will not overcure.

Safety: Although LENS BOND is quite safe to use, some persons may be sensitive to the chemicals comprising the formulation. For them, the use of finger cots or gloves is recommended. Adequate ventilation should be provided.

Note: If the elements will undergo hostile environmental tests, allow 48 to 72 hours between full-cure and testing.


Viscosity........................275 cps. to 320 cps. 
Refractive Index (full-cured)....1.55 at 25°C 
Refractive Index (uncured).......1.53 
Operational Temperature Range....-54°(-65°F) to 100°C(212°F) 
Youngs Modulus...................6.2 x 105lbs/in2 
Shear Strength...................5200 lbs/in2 
Impact...........................(.3 to .4)ft lb/in 
Specific Heat....................(.2 to .4) Cal/gm 
Dielectric Constant..............3 at 106 cps 
Loss Factor at 106 cps...........(.05) 
Water Absorption.................0.3% (24 hours. 25°on bulk material)
Dispersion Formula...............n=1.5754-(0.04742)-[0.0070/(2-0.028)]
+[0.0011/(2-0.028)2] Shrinkage on Cure................Approximately 4% pH...............................3.2 Specific Gravity.................1.22 Shore D. Hardness................Approximately 90 Surface Tension..................44 Dynes/cm. Linear Coefficient of Expansion..Approximately 6.3x10-5/°C at between 27°C-100°C 5.58x10-5/°C between 100°C-200°C Thermal Conductivity.............500x10-6 cal(sec)(sq.cm)(°C)(cm) Flash Point (uncured)............50°C Glass Transition (Tg)............>90°C Outgassing TML...................1.5% Outgassing CVCM..................0.13% Shipping and Storage.............Type UV-69 needs no special handling or storage. It should, however, be kept away from intense light and elevated temperatures. Shelf Life.......................18 months from date of manufacture Size ............................114 gm(4oz)
*For technical data on adhesion properties, solvent and thermal resistance 
as well as transmission studies, please go to our technical data section 
on this site.

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(A Direct Replacement for UV-71)

Lens Bond UV-74 has been discontinued. Please see J-91 directly below.


Type J-91 is a single component,water white, ultraviolet curing, general purpose optical adhesive. J-91 meets the requirements of MIL-A-3920. This 100% solids, one part liquid photopolymer, offers convenience and ease of application to the technician. Type J-91 cures by exposure to longwave ultraviolet light (365nm). Its high wetting and excellent adhesion combined with low shrinkage result in superior bonding. Type J-91 exhibits good resistance to temperature extremes and high humidity.

Lens Bond Optical Cement Type J-91 permits the user to pre-cure the elements in approximately 3-5 seconds using a 4 to 15 watt fluorescent UV light at 1" from the upper element. The element then can be removed from the centering device without fear of losing alignment. Full-cure can then be attained under 15 watt fluorescent lights at 1 inch in 1 hour.

The chemical composition of Type J-91 as well as its high flash point and low toxicity permit shipping without restrictions and is not considered a regulated material by D.O.T.

Lens Bond Type J-91
bottle w/applicator tip
Lens Bond Type J-91

Approximate Curing Times

Pre-Cure Full-Cure
Room temperature 22°C (72°F) using longwave radiation (365nm) approximately 1" above the element. Room temperature 22°C (72°F) using longwave radiation (365nm) approximately 1" above the element.
3-5 seconds 1 hour
NOTE: Pre-cure time presupposes at least 75% to 85% transmission of the elements being bonded.
For more information on our ultraviolet curing lamps please see our cementing department supply section of our web site.

Instructions For Use

Preparation of Elements: Other than normal cleaning procedures, no special preparation is required. The best final cleaner is reagent grade or C.P. Acetone.

Preparation of Cement: There is no mixing or measuring with Type J-91. However, it is advantageous to have the elements on a white background during pre-cure and full-cure cycles. If this cannot be done due to a centering machine, witness pieces should be tried to ascertain the repeatable pre-cure time. The user should always check with the glass manufacturer for the transmission characteristics at 365nm of the elements being bonded. Less than 85% transmission at this wavelength will lengthen cure times.

Application and Curing of Type J-91: Squeeze a few drops of Type J-91 from the convenient dispenser bottle onto the concave surface, and place the convex surface there on. Press down firmly and gently until LENS BOND completely wets the matching surfaces. Then, with a slow rotary motion and light pressure, force air bubbles from between the lenses. Excess cement can be removed with a cloth slightly moistened with alcohol or acetone. (Excess solvent will remove cement from between the cemented components.) After pre-curing with an ultraviolet light, holding devices may be removed and the components carefully cleaned. Before environmental testing, however, the lenses must be fully cured.

Full-cure time is in addition to the pre-cure time. If there is any doubt about curing being achieved, allow components to cure for a longer period of time. The cement will not overcure.

Safety: Although LENS BOND is quite safe to use, some persons may be sensitive to the chemicals comprising the formulation. For them, the use of finger cots or gloves is recommended. Adequate ventilation should be provided.

Notes: If the elements will undergo hostile environmental tests, allow 48 to 72 hours between full-cure and testing. You may also wait 12 hours after full-cure is attained and then subject the bonded elements to 70°C for 1 hour and then another 12 hours at room temperature for best results.


Viscosity.......................250 cps. to 300 cps. 
Refractive Index (full-cured)...1.55 
Refractive Index (uncured)......1.53 
Operational Temperature Range...-50°C to 110°C (5 days after cure)
Youngs Modulus..................1.6 x 105psi 
Tensile Shear...................2500 to 3500 psi 
Water Absorption................0.19% (5 days after cure.)
Shrinkage on Cure...............<.3% 
Specific Gravity................1.23 
Shore D. Hardness...............85 to 90 
Surface Tension.................40 dynes/cm 
Glass Transition (Tg)...........33 to 35°C(5 days after cure) 
Water Vapor Permeability........1.48gms/100sq in/24 hrs/1 mil.
Storage.........................Type J-91 needs no special handling or 
                                storage. It should, however, be kept 
                                away from intense light and elevated 
Shelf Life......................12 months from date of manufacture at 
                                room temperature. Refrigerated storage 
                                not recommended. 
Size............................30 gm(1oz); 16 oz(500gms)

*For transmission studies of Type J-91, please go to our technical data section 
on this site.
Our Lens Bond Type J-91 outgasses oxygen, however, no volatile organic compounds.

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Lens Bond Type HS-2 is a single component, instant bonding cyanoacrylate adhesive. The adhesive requires no mixing, no heating and no clamping. The adhesive contains no solvents and has low toxicity, mild odor and is non-flammable.

Lens Bond Type HS-2
1oz bottle w/applicator tip

Approximate Curing Times

20 seconds

Instructions For Use

1. Preparations of Elements: Other than normal optical cleaning procedures, no special preparation is required. The best final cleaner is reagent grade or chemically pure acetone.

2. Application and Curing of Lens Bond Type HS-2: Squeeze a few drops of Lens Bond HS-2 onto the surface to be bonded. The cement will cure itself in approximately 20 seconds, so any optical alignment should be done quickly. Air bubbles that may be entrapped can be removed by a slow orbiting motion and light pressure.

Safety: Although Lens Bond Type HS-2 is very safe to use, some people may be sensitive to the chemicals comprising the formulation. Lens bond HS-2 will bond to the skin in seconds. If it does bond to the skin, the adhesive should be removed with warm, soapy water or with solvents such as acetone. In case of eye contact, the eyes should be flushed with water and medical aid sought immediately. Rubber or cloth gloves should not be used because they will bond when brought in contact with the adhesive. Adequate ventilation should always be used when using any adhesive.


Viscosity.......................1500 cps.
Refractive Index (full-cured)...1.45 
Dielectric Constant.............3.34 at IMC
Specific Gravity................1.05 
Tensile Strength................Approx. 110-200 KGF/CM depending on materials 
Shipping and Storage............Type HS-2 needs no special handling or storage.
                                It should, however, be kept away from intense 
                                light and elevated temperatures. 
Shelf Life......................6 months at room temperature
Size............................30 gm (1 oz)

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Type P-92 is no longer available. Please see other uv curing products on this page.

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Lens Bond Type SK-9 is a single component, modified Acrylate/Methacrylate Photopolymer. This low viscosity liquid polymer is easy to apply and quick to pre-cure. Lens Bond Type SK-9 cures by exposure to long wave ultraviolet light (365nm).

Its high wetting and low shrinkage combine to give a superior bond. Lens Bond Type SK-9 is a very low viscosity liquid which practically eliminates air bubble problems. Lens Bond Type SK-9 shows extremely high adhesion to many types of plastics which are usually problematic to bond. Lens Bond Optical Cement Type SK-9 permits the user to pre-cure the elements in 3-5 seconds using a 4 to 15 watt fluorescent UV light at 1" from the upper element. Full-cure is attained in 1 hour at 1".

Lens Bond Type SK-9
1oz bottle
Lens Bond Type SK-9
Lens Bond Type SK-9 (40 cps)
Lens Bond Type SK-9 (60 cps)

Approximate Curing Times

Pre-Cure Full-Cure
Room temperature 22°C(72°F) using longwave radiation (365nm) approximately 1" above the element. Room temperature 22°C(72°F) using longwave radiation approximately 1" above the element.
3-5 seconds 1 hour
Note: Some plastics transmit very little light at 365nm; however, due to Type SK-9's sensitivity, it will cure, but times might be extended. Always test for cure speeds prior to production.
For more information on our ultraviolet curing lamps please see our cementing department supply section of our web site.

Instructions For Use

Preparation of Elements: Other than normal cleaning procedures, no special preparation is required. The best final cleaner is reagent grade or C.P. Acetone.

Preparation of Cement: There is no mixing or measuring with Type SK-9. However, it is advantageous to have the elements on a white background during pre-cure and full-cure cycles. If this cannot be done due to a use of a centering device, witness pieces should be tried to ascertain the repeatable pre-cure time. The user should always check with the glass or plastics manufacturer for the transmission characteristics at 365nm of the materials that they wish to bond. Transmission characteristics will affect the cure speed.

Application and Curing of Type SK-9: Squeeze a few drops of Type SK-9 from the convenient dispenser bottle onto the concave surface, and place the convex surface there on. Press down firmly and gently until LENS BOND completely wets the matching surfaces. Then, with a slow rotary motion and light pressure, force air bubbles from between the lenses. Excess cement can be removed with a cloth slightly moistened with alcohol or acetone. (Excess solvent will remove cement from between the cemented components.) After pre-curing with an ultraviolet light, holding devices may be removed and the components carefully cleaned. Before environmental testing, however, the lenses must be fully cured.

Full-cure time is in addition to the pre-cure time. If there is any doubt about curing being achieved, allow components to cure for a longer period of time. The cement will not overcure.

Safety: Although Lens Bond Type SK-9 is quite safe to use, some persons may be sensitive to the chemicals comprising the formulation. For them, the use of finger cots or gloves is recommended. Adequate ventilation should be provided.

Notes: If the elements will undergo hostile environmental tests, allow 48-72 hours between full-cure and testing.


Viscosity..........................Please be aware, the current lot of Lens Bond SK-9 
		  		   has a viscosity of 300cps. Previously SK-9 had a 
		  		   viscosity of 80-100cps.
          			   The change in viscosity is due to the availability 
		  		   of the raw materials used to manufacture the cement. 
		  		   We have tested the new lot in our lab, and the bond 
		  		   quality has not changed; only the viscosity. 
Refractive Index (full-cured)......1.49 
Refractive Index (uncured).........1.47 
Operational Temperature Range......-50°C to 100°C 
Youngs Modulus.....................4 x 105psi 
Water Absorption...................0.8% (after 7 days at 22°C) 
Tensile Shear......................4000-4500 psi 
Shrinkage on Cure..................<.25% 
Specific Gravity...................1.08 
Elongation.........................4.7% to 5.1% 
Shore D. Hardness..................90 
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion...7x10-5/°C/0°C to 50°C 
Surface Tension....................35-37 dynes/cm 
Glass Transition (Tg)..............99°C to 101°C 
Shipping and Storage...............Type SK-9 needs no special handling 
                                   or storage. It should, however, be 
                                   kept away from intense light and 
                                   elevated temperatures. 
Shelf Life.........................12 months from date of manufacture 
                                   at room temperature. 
Size...............................30gms(1oz); 500gms(16 oz)

Suggested Applications

Bonding of plastics to plastics, plastics to glass, plastics to metal, and substrates with low UV transmittances (40%-60%), and where a thinner bond layer is desired.

Summers Optical

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